Amazing post. The video discussed a lot of issues to ponder when it comes to wearing hijab - mostly by those who do not wear hijab, of course. I, myself do not remember when I started wearing hijab, it was compulsory in my school back then. I didn't like it at first, eventho my parents have been asking me to wear hijab. Nevertheless, it started to grow on me. I feel more comfortable going outside with a scarf on my head and voila, I have been wearing hijab for 11 years now. InsyaAllah.
Hidayah from Allah is an important element per se. A Muslimah won't wear hijab kalau tak dapat hidayah dari Allah. Kalau nak seribu daya, kalau taknak seribu alasan. Most importantly, always pray for the hidayah and pray that it will be everlasting.
6 Komentar
hijab is not just a piece of clothes!:)
BalasAmazing post. The video discussed a lot of issues to ponder when it comes to wearing hijab - mostly by those who do not wear hijab, of course. I, myself do not remember when I started wearing hijab, it was compulsory in my school back then. I didn't like it at first, eventho my parents have been asking me to wear hijab. Nevertheless, it started to grow on me. I feel more comfortable going outside with a scarf on my head and voila, I have been wearing hijab for 11 years now. InsyaAllah.
BalasHidayah from Allah is an important element per se. A Muslimah won't wear hijab kalau tak dapat hidayah dari Allah. Kalau nak seribu daya, kalau taknak seribu alasan. Most importantly, always pray for the hidayah and pray that it will be everlasting.
berharap agar mereka yang tidak memakai hijab menonton video menarik ni...
Balasnice one iqbal!
Balascuma tak de kupasan je dari iqbal.
tak ble bukak la puak... tapi berhijab memang cantik
Balaspakai tudung tu wajib :)
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